Evans Mburu

Head of Implementation

Evans Mburu is an experienced professional in global health and international development, with over 10 years’ experience working at the intersection between private and public sectors.

Evans leads the implementation of MedAccess’ guarantee portfolio, ensuring critical health supplies reach intended beneficiaries. He drives strategic alignment between suppliers and countries, and facilitates resolution of issues that could hinder uptake of health products backed by MedAccess’ guarantees.

He has extensive experience working internationally and with multiple stakeholders, including governmental ministries, global health agencies and entities oriented toward improving access to health products.

Evans applies his experience in understanding local market contexts and partnership-building skills to implement agreements throughout Africa, Latin America, and Asia. He plays a critical role in setting strategic direction of implementation partnerships and ensures information flows between the partners involved in each agreement. He also manages technical partners that support MedAccess and its counterparties.

Evans started his career at KPMG. He worked on a wide range of engagements that sought to reduce health inequities through improving supply chains, deploying innovative approaches to address challenges in maternal health, communicable and non-communicable diseases and fund management. Some of his significant engagements were with key funding organisations including the Global Fund, GAVI, PEPFAR, Gates Foundation, Conrad Hilton Foundation, Mastercard Foundation and the FCDO.

Evans has a Bachelor of Actuarial Science from the Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology, Kenya and a Masters in Health Economics, Policy and Management from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK.

Email Evans: [email protected]

A nurse takes the blood pressure of a pregnant woman. The words 'Access Matters' overlay the image.

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