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Our impact

Since 2017, we have reached…

539m people

Over 110 countries


in savings for purchasers

Health areas we work in

Our agreements are increasing access to medical innovations to tackle infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria, tuberculosis, COVID-19 and syphilis.

Whilst the burden of infectious diseases remains high, mortality and morbidity from non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are rapidly rising, with 77% of deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries.

We are working with global health partners with expertise in NCDs to explore opportunities to use our financial products to support access to vital health products.

We are also engaging with partners to assess how innovative finance can help address challenges in cross-cutting areas including women’s health and pandemic preparedness.

Current funders – BII

We were founded by British International Investment, the UK’s development finance institution, in 2017. BII is our anchor investor, with $200 million paid-in capital.

We use our capital to shape agreements that break down barriers stopping people from accessing medical innovations

BII remains our sole shareholder. However, any operating surpluses are invested into developing new agreements to accelerate access to healthcare.

"Through our Catalyst Strategies, we’ve built new companies – such as MedAccess, which provides innovative social finance to secure life-changing medical supplies for people in Africa and Asia."

Nick O'Donohoe, CEO, BII

Current funders – FCDO

Since 2021, the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) has provided us with £17 million in grant funding as part of its Global Fund Accelerator grants.

We use FCDO’s grant to secure lower prices and sustainable supply for products procured by the Global Fund on behalf of countries. So far, the funding has enabled us to broker agreements for HIV-syphilis dual rapid diagnostic tests, HIV self-tests, 3HP TB preventive treatment, G6PD tests and treatment for drug-resistant TB.

Our work supports FCDO priorities on health, including those set out in the December 2021 approach paper: Ending Preventable Deaths of Mothers, Babies and Children by 2030 and the aims set out in the 2022 International Development Strategy, which puts stronger health systems at the core of the UK’s global health approach. By increasing access to medical innovations at affordable prices, MedAccess helps to ensure that the products patients need are available when they need them.

FCDO is British International Investment’s sole shareholder.

MedAccess Trust

MedAccess Trust was established in 2021 to receive and provide stewardship for grants from funders seeking to increase access to healthcare in low- and middle-income countries.

The Trust shares MedAccess’ vision and mission to speed up access to lifesaving vaccines, medicines, diagnostics and technologies to prevent illness, disease and deaths.

MedAccess Trust is overseen by independent trustees with absolute discretion in advancing its purposes. The trustees have power to make grants to any organisation, including MedAccess, that aligns with its aim of increasing access to healthcare.

MedAccess Trust

Get in touch

We are continually striving to achieve more impact and reach more people with life-saving medical products.

We offer a new way of creating sustainable and measurable impact for donors and investors.

We’re here to change the way health markets work, to level the playing field for millions of people around the world.

Your support will expand access to lifesaving medical innovations for millions of people by:

  • Investing in pathbreaking initiatives in diagnostics, primary care, diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular, vaccines, vector control, pandemic preparedness, unlocking opportunities for advances in women’s health.
  • Pioneering solutions for infectious diseases such as HIV, malaria and tuberculosis.
  • Rapidly scaling transformative, enduring and demonstrable impact in global health.
Rob Kelly

Rob Kelly

Head of External Relations

Contact Rob
A nurse takes the blood pressure of a pregnant woman. The words 'Access Matters' overlay the image.

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